Everyone wants to be free, free from this and that, no man would agree totally that the next man's issues are more than his. That's how high we think of irrelevant things..
Freedom basically is having no ties to whatever we feel is a burden to us. But really, how free can we be?
Think about it…….. The things we wanna be mostly free from are the things that make the world go round.. Women, struggles, pain, money.. Now, some of y'all would say why include pain and money? Well, pain is what makes joy feel better and if you've never been poor, you'd never appreciate what it is to have money to spend. Pain is the motivation to a better life. Women on the other hand are just on a whole 'nother level of pain. Pain in the ass, pain to the heart, pain to the pocket, you name it… We wanna be free from those kinda bitches..
But in all, we still wanna be free from everything that we see as wrong to us, we wanna lead our own lives & live how we deem fit. But we forget that everyone can't be happy, everyone can't be rich, someone has to be on the receiving end from time to time and we have all fallen victim from time to time. Point to learn is never to stay down, rising up & being a new person is what's key.. Remember, the key to good leadership lies in followership..
Have a good weekend y'all

Culled from
ff @NarcissisticMel on twitter.


cool write up,i enjoyed it...thumbs up to the writer.

November 16, 2013 at 5:39 PM comment-delete

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